Udemy Clone application Integrating Nextjs with NextAuth Library #10

Welcome to my YouTube channel and we are on the "Udemy Clone Building Full Stack Application" Playlist
Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIGDNOJWiL1_71ZCML1Kys3kaKVIe2vQQ
Github https://github.com/tkssharma/udemy-fullstack-clone

This comprehensive course will guide you through the process of creating a full-stack web application similar to Udemy, using Next.js for the frontend and Nest.js for the backend.

Throughout the course, you'll learn how to set up the development environment, create a robust backend API with Nest.js, and build a responsive frontend interface with Next.js.

Topics covered will include:

1. Setting up the development environment for Next.js and Nest.js.
2. Designing and implementing the backend API using Nest.js, including user authentication, course management, and content delivery.
3. Building the frontend UI with Next.js, including user authentication, course listing, searching, and enrollment features.
4. Integrating APIs for user authentication, payment processing, and other third-party services.
5. Deploying the application to a cloud platform such as Heroku or AWS for production use.

By the end of this course, you'll have gained valuable experience in building a complex full-stack application using modern web development technologies, and you'll be equipped with the skills to create your own online learning platform or similar web application.

Tools and technologies we are going to user

- Architecture discussion
- NextAuth for Auth with Auth0
- NextJS for SSR
- different type of architecture
- lerna/Nx for monorepo
- github action for CI/CD
- NextJS for dashboard app
- next js for end user application
- svelte kit for managing SSR using SvelteKit
- React and next js
- Nests with Node JS
- SQS and Kafka
- Twillio and sendGrid
- Microservices and service communication
- Express with Node JS and typescript
- Prisma and TypeORM for services
- Docker and containerization
- Mysql and Postgres with MongoDB
