Uber Eats Clone adding TypeORM Entities for Restaurant Service #nestjs #microservices #46

Hi Everyone,
This Video is a part of the Playlist "Uber Eats Clone" Application and we are covering everything from ground zero to hero
Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-L8C5DxIiA&list=PLT5Jhb7lgSBMF7JqIV6OZZ9LYPGhqZjfS

This Video is all about building tables for our restaurant service and adding joins

TypeORM is an ORM that can run in NodeJS, Browser, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native, NativeScript, Expo, and Electron platforms and can be used with TypeScript and JavaScript (ES5, ES6, ES7, ES8). Its goal is to always support the latest JavaScript features and provide additional features that help you to develop any kind of application that uses databases - from small applications with a few tables to large-scale enterprise applications with multiple databases.

Many-to-one/one-to-many is a relation where A contains multiple instances of B, but B contains only one instance of A. Let's take for example User and Photo entities. Users can have multiple photos, but each photo is owned by only one single user.

- one to one join
- one to many
- many to many join

GitHub Link
https://github.com/tkssharma/uber-eats-clone-app Welcome to Uber eats clone App development
Let's build Uber Eats Clone App
we are going to make everything from ground zero using the latest technology and tools
We will make the most common features for any food delivery app

How UberEats Clone Script Works?

Find all food stores available at customer locations.
Browse various menus and find a meal customer like.
Pay money for your meal. Quick, Secure, and Simple.
Food is prepared and delivered to a predefined address.

Tools and technologies we are going to use

- Architecture discussion
- different type of architecture
- Designing different microservices
- Defining Deployment stack for application and services
- Application setup with monorepo solutions
- Lerna/Nx for monorepo
- AWS CDK for deploying application
- github action for CI/CD
- exploring sveltekit for dashboard app
- exploring Next JS 13 for UI apps
- React JS with latest features from end user application
- Nest JS Microservices for API development
- next js for end user application
- svelte kit for managing SSR using SvelteKit
- React and next js
- Nests with Node JS
- SQS and Kafka
- Twillio and sendGrid
- Microservices and service communication
- Express with Node JS and typescript
- Prisma and TypeORM for services
- Docker and containerization
- Mysql and Postgres with MongoDB

Github :

🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/tkssharma
🐦 Github: https://github.com/tkssharma
🐦 Website: https://tkssharma.com
🐦 Blogs: https://blog.tkssharma.com

I’m Tarun, I am Publisher, Trainer Developer, working on Enterprise and open source Technologies JavaScript frameworks (React Angular, sveltekit, nextjs), I work with client-side and server-side javascript programming which includes node js or any other frameworks Currently working with JavaScript framework React & Node js 🚀 with Graphql 🎉 developer publications.

I am a passionate Javascript developer writing end-to-end applications using javascript using React, Angular 🅰️, and Vue JS with Node JS, I publish video tutorials and write about everything I know. I aim to create a beautiful corner of the web free of ads, sponsored posts,
