Redux Toolkit for React Apps

Redux Toolkit
In this playlist, we are covering redux Toolkit and we are exploring how redux toolkit is helpful for managing redux state with slices and with a new way to create a store

00:00:00 redux toolkit setup
00:02:00 redux architecture
00:06:00 react routing and pages
00:11:00 creating actions post, comment
00:17:00 using redux think for fetch async
00:22:00 creating reducers
00:30:00 application demo redux dev tools

- why we should use the redux toolkit, how to use it (examples with setup)
- basic setup with the redux toolkit
- Blog post example using the redux toolkit
- shopping cart example with a redux toolkit
- react-redux compare with the redux toolkit
- react-redux typescript example Demo

React Master Playlist


Github Link

React Redux Example

React Redux Typescript Example



Cart App

Book App

RTK Query
[]( RTK Query
