Node JS with Sequelize ORM

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Playlist Sequelize Tutorials with Node JS
Github Link tkssharma/Sequelize-Tutorials-Node-JS-ORM

Welcome to our comprehensive playlist on Sequelize tutorials with Node.js! If you're looking to master the art of working with databases using Node.js and Sequelize, you've come to the right place. In this playlist, we will guide you through the fundamentals of Sequelize and demonstrate how to leverage its power to build robust and scalable applications.

Sequelize is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library that simplifies the process of interacting with databases in Node.js. Whether you're working with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, or other supported databases, Sequelize provides an intuitive and elegant way to manage database operations.

Throughout this playlist, you'll learn how to set up Sequelize in a Node.js project, define models and associations, perform CRUD operations, handle migrations, and implement advanced querying techniques. We'll also cover topics such as data validation, transactions, eager loading, and more.

Here's a breakdown of the tutorials included in this playlist:

Introduction to Sequelize and Setting Up: Get started with Sequelize by installing it in a Node.js project and configuring the necessary connections to your database.

Defining Models and Associations: Learn how to define models that represent database tables and establish associations between them, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships.

CRUD Operations with Sequelize: Discover how to create, read, update, and delete records using Sequelize's powerful query API.

Handling Migrations: Understand the concept of database migrations and how Sequelize simplifies the process of managing schema changes over time.

Advanced Querying with Sequelize: Dive deeper into Sequelize's querying capabilities and explore advanced techniques such as aggregations, subqueries, and raw queries.

Data Validation and Hooks: Learn how to validate data before saving it to the database and utilize Sequelize hooks for executing custom logic during specific lifecycle events.

Transactions and Concurrency: Explore how to perform atomic operations and handle concurrent access to the database using Sequelize's transaction support.

Eager Loading and Performance Optimization: Discover how to optimize database queries by eagerly loading associated data and implementing pagination.

By the end of this playlist, you'll have a solid understanding of Sequelize and its integration with Node.js, enabling you to build efficient and scalable database-driven applications. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more tutorials on web development, JavaScript, and Node.js. Let's get started on this exciting journey together!

Keywords: Sequelize tutorials, Node.js, database management, ORM, CRUD operations, migrations, data validation, transactions, eager loading, performance optimization, web development, JavaScript.
