Nest JS Advanced Course Latest

Hi Everyone,
🔥 This Video is a part of the Playlist "Nest JS Advanced Course 2023" and we are covering all advance things from nestjs

In first Module #01, we will talk about all these things

🔥 Core concepts of nests/ Building blocks
🔥 Baseline code + PNPM with Nx + Github
🔥 REST APIs (basic Building blocks )
🔥 Modules, Services, DI framework
🔥 TypeORM, @nestjs/typeorm, @nestjs/config
🔥 MyLoggerModule.forRoot or forRootAsync

🔥 what is in the advanced Nest JS Course

- Nest JS DTO Validation - nested DTO's and data transform
- Nest JS Config Module
- Nest JS Migration Setup with Knex/typeorm/prisma
- Nest JS API caching
- Nest JS with External Services Like Kafka and Elastic Search, or any database or Redis
- Nest JS with Azure or S3 for upload and download files
- Nest JS with SQS and SNS
- Nest JS with Redis
- Nest JS with other Microservices
- Nest JS Request/Response Handling.
- Nest JS handling Middleware for Routes
- Nest JS Custom Response Interceptor
- Nest JS Swagger for all type of Response and Error Codes
- Nest JS with Rabbit MQ Microservices
- Nest JS CQRS @nestjs/cqrs
- Nest JS CRUD using @nestjs/crud
- Nest JS Types of Tests cases
- Nest JS with Graphql
- Nest JS with Prisma and Graphql
- Nest JS with TypeORM or Sequelize
- Nest JS with Prisma ORM
- Nest JS with Sequelize ORM
- Nest JS with External services
- Nest JS with Dynamic Modules
- Nest JS with Mongoose for API development
- Nest JS with Rollbar for External error Logging
- Nest JS auth and authz
- Nest JS Dynamic Modules
- Nest JS Powerful DI framework
- Nest JS Building REST & Graphql Service
- Nest JS with web sockets
- Nest JS dev tools
- Nest JS external service Integration
- Nest JS API Monitoring and perf checks
- Nest JS security
- Nest JS with Nest JS Microservices Kafka, Grp, Rabbit MQ

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Learn Geek stuff [Angular, Nest JS, Sveltekit, React, Sveltekit, Next JS, Redux, Nodejs, Nest JS, Web Development, Docker, AWS, Vue JS, All about Javascript]
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I’m Tarun, I am Publisher, Trainer Developer, working on Enterprise and open source Technologies JavaScript frameworks (React Angular, sveltekit, nextjs), I work with client-side and server-side javascript programming which includes node js or any other frameworks Currently working with JavaScript framework React & Node js 🚀 with Graphql 🎉 developer publications.

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