Microservices Patterns

Understanding Microservice Architecture and Different Microservice Patterns
Playlist Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPnsfUQTjis&list=PLT5Jhb7lgSBN5U6p_KSCtZfHYSqQUQ7hw&index=26

► Pattern: Microservice Architecture
► CQRS : Microservice Architecture
► Event Driven : Microservice Architecture
► Decomposition patterns
► The Database per Service pattern describes how each service has its own database in order to ensure loose coupling.
► The API Gateway pattern defines how clients access the services in a microservice architecture.
► The Client-side Discovery and Server-side Discovery patterns are used to route requests for a client to an available service instance in a microservice architecture.

In this informative video, we delve into the world of microservice architecture, exploring its core concepts and various microservice patterns. Microservice architecture is a software development approach that structures an application as a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services.

Throughout the video, we'll discuss the advantages and challenges of adopting a microservice architecture, as well as the key principles that drive its design. We'll explore how microservices enable scalability, fault isolation, and independent deployment, empowering organizations to develop and maintain complex applications with agility and flexibility.

Moreover, we'll delve into different microservice patterns that help address common architectural challenges. These patterns include:

Service Discovery:

Explain the importance of service discovery in a microservice environment.
Discuss various service discovery mechanisms such as client-side discovery and server-side discovery.
API Gateway:

Define the role of an API gateway in microservice architecture.
Highlight its benefits in terms of routing, load balancing, and security.
Circuit Breaker:

Explore the circuit breaker pattern and its role in handling service failures and preventing cascading failures.
Discuss how it improves fault tolerance and resiliency.
Event Sourcing:

Introduce event sourcing as a pattern for capturing and storing changes to application state.
Explain how it enables scalability, auditability, and reconstruction of application state.
CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation):

Describe the CQRS pattern and its separation of read and write operations.
Discuss the benefits of CQRS in terms of scalability, performance, and maintainability.
Saga Pattern:

Explore the saga pattern for managing distributed transactions within a microservice architecture.
Discuss how sagas help ensure consistency and reliability across multiple services.

►Client-side UI composition
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